Home transfusion service

SAMOT Ragusa, in agreement with the Service of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine of the Local Health Authority (Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale), offers a home transfusion service to bedridden and non-ambulatory patients who need transfusion therapy, prescribed by the family doctor. The service is scheduled and non-urgent, and is provided within 72 hours from the request.

How to request and access home transfusion services

In order to access home transfusion services, family doctors/paediatricians have to fill the prescribed forms (link to the page) and apply to the Multidisciplinary Assessment Unit of each local Health District.
The Multidisciplinary Assessment Unit takes charge of the request and transmits it to the association chosen by the patient or his/her family.
Once the request is received, our staff contact the patient and/or his/her family to start the service.